DevOps Foundation Blocks For Any PAAS Solution

All PAAS solutions  in Azure will benefit from the following features being incorporated:

  1. Hooks (Assuming Git repositories) - These are small scripts that are executed before/after commit/push etc. Enterprise wide policies should be defined so as to get them incorporated in every single project/repository/branch that uses Git Repositories. (Example: Someone accidentally commits with a password/key, which not be in the code. The pre-commit hook will catch it and will not allow commit)
  2. Use GitFlow (Assumption using Visual Studio) for branching strategy.
  3. Use Application Insights. There is no reason not to use this great service and it comes free with all applications plans including Azure Functions. You can also add your own custom logs to the same application insights. 
  4. Automate Azure Application Insights with logic App to get a report of all errors in the application!

More to come to the list including Pipelines.


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