Azure CDN vs AWS CDN

Azure CDN and AWS CDN

Azure CDN (Content Delivery Network) and AWS (Amazon Web Services) CDN are almost identical at the core. Here is my review comparing the 2 products.

Azure creates a new CDN resource fairly quickly under a minute. Amazon CDN can take up to 10 minutes to create a CDN. Azure wins this comparison of creating a new resource.

Here is a list of features in AWS that don’t exist in Azure CDN.

  • Invalidate Cache objects via Path (does cost extra)
    • Very useful feature
  • Geo Restriction
  • Error Page for 404
  • Option to support Adobe RTPN Protocol
  • Option to use HTTP or HTTPs

AWS CDN offers some really cool features that Azure CDN currently do not offer. I think in near future Azure CDN will offer more, but till then AWS is the overall winner!!


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